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morgeth, the spirekeeper

taken strength

when the fireteam first gets the the morgeth encounter, there will be one taken strength next to him. to start the encounter, a gaurdian picks this up by touching the white orb.

these white orbs give taken strength. each gaurdian can only hold 2 taken strength, picking up a third will result in death. after the first wave of orbs is picked up, morgeth will trap a gaurdian with taken strength.

the eye of riven

once an enemy named eye of riven is killed, an orb will drop from it. once picked up, this orb allows the holder to free a trapped gaurdian by stealing thier stacks of taken strength. this means that if a gaurdian with 1 taken strength tries to free another gaurdian with more than one, they'll die.

to free a teammate, a gaurdian activates their grenade ability while holding the orb.

taken strength

to begin the encounter, the fireteam should assign each member a job:

  • first and last

    • this gaurdian grabs the first orb to start the encounter, and the last orb, which also spawns in the same spot. this gaurdian is usually resposible for letting everyone know they're picking up the last orb and everyone should head to dps
  • first right

    • this gaurdian grabs the first two taken strength that spawn toward the right. this person is consequently the first to be trapped
  • second right

    • this gaurdian grabs the second two taken strength that spawn toward the right
  • top left

    • this gaurdian grabs the first and second taken strength that spawn on the upper left
  • bottom left

    • this gaurdian grabs the first and second taken strength that spawn on the lower left
  • first clense

    • this gaurdian picks up no taken strength. and instead hunts for the eye of riven picking up it's taken essence and using their grenade ability near gaurdians that get trapped by morgeth
the gaurdian that gets freed

now has 0 taken strength. this makes them the new cleanser and they will need to hunt down the next eye of riven and grab it's taken essence in order to free someone else


for dps, most fireteams head towards the door behind morgeth. as long as the team has a well of radiance, morgeth won't survive too long. the big hard to miss bubbles on his back are the crit spot.

if the fireteam can't one phase morgeth, he can be stunned the same way as shuro chi. simplay obtain the taken essence from an eye of riven and use it's super.

glittering key chest

to spawn this chest, you have to wish for it to appear

to open this chest, you must have the glittering key. this can be obtained from a previous run of last wish

enter through the big doors and turn right to reach the hall of two souls. just before the double doors, go up the stairs, turn right, jump across the stones, and then climb the rocky pillar. the glittering key chest is near the top