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there are two vex sync plates located on the left and right side of the room. when fully charged these plates powew thhe nearby portals. to keep these portals open guardians must keep enemies off of them and kill hydras called "gatekeepers". gatekeepers will keep the portals closed as long as they are alive making so they should be killed as fast as possible. one guardian will be assigned to keeping each portal open, these guardians will need some way of dealing with overload minotaurs.

mars and venus

the left portal will take players to mars and the right will take them to venus. inside each portal there is a portal to return through and a conflux as seen in the first encounter. before starting the encounter one guardian should be assigned to be the first to guard each planet. enemies will attempt to sacrifice to the confluxes even if there are no guardians on that planet.

ageis relic

once the first gatekeeper has been kiled the relic will spawn in the center of the room. a guardian should pick this up then await a callout for which portal to take it to. occasianally inside each portal a shielded minotaurs called a "praetorian" will spawn, which can only be damaged by the relic. whenever a praetorian spawns in one portal, a wyvern will spawn in the other. when a guardian in a portal sees a praetorian they should call it out so that the relic holder can go inside and break it's shield. praetorians spawns will always go back and forth between venus and mars though the first spawn is random.

portal sickeness

after a guardian holding the relic goes through a portal they will receive a debuff that stops them from going through portal for roughty thirty five seconds. because of this once the relic holder has broken the shield of a praetorian they should drop the relic to the guardian that was defending the conflux and take over the role of defender. the previous defender will then take the relic out of the portal and another guardian should be waiting to take the relic from them and enter the other portal to kill the next praetorian and repeat the cycle.

the final conflux

after six praetorians have been killed a conflux will appear in the center of the main room and all guardians should focus on defenfing it. three more praetorians will spawn one at a time near this conflux and once they are all killed three wyverns will spawn at the same time.

strangers in time

to complete "the strangers in time" challenge the wyvern and praetorian that spawned at the same time must be killed within five seconds of eachother. when completing the challenge on master all guardians are guaranteed the "hezen vengeance (timelost)" rocket launcher.